Stage 5 Clinger Alert


Two weeks ago I began talking to a guy from Plenty of Fish – sounded good at the time and from pictures he was really cute. So we met up one Saturday.  In person he was 20 pounds heavier, still cute but what is with people and old pictures.  Conversation was fine and he had potential.  At the end of the date, he hugged me and gave me a little peck on the lips, that was fine.  The clinginess started to show and it was kind of a turn off.  I went on a second date later with him, which he informed me I would be buying (WTF?).  That was fine, however at the end of the night at my car, in front of the restaurant he went in for the major kiss. I hate PDA, I make fun of people who PDA, so when I sensed people walking in my direction I pushed him off.  He got offended.


We made plans to hang out again on Friday and this is where everything hit the fan.  I advised him if we were getting busy he would have to use a condom and I asked him if he had any.  He got really offended by this – he said he doesn’t really use them.  Well first of all – EW – second of all I told him its a no go then.  Honestly at this point he needs to go get tested if he wants me to touch him at all.  Then we had this phone conversation because he got his feelings hurt because I ended the kiss from the last date.  I explained to him I do not like PDA.  Then he went on and on of how when he sees other people doing that he thinks about how much he wants that.  He brought up the condom thing again and I told him its a deal breaker.


Ugh, so he still texts me, I cancelled the last Friday night date and faked an illness. He also told me I was hard to read and doesn’t think I am over my ex.  I do come off a little cold and that’s why I don’t think I am ready to date yet.  However, I am also not going to put up with any bullshit. He expects my time all the time.  I have cats, he hates cats — how in the hell is that going to work. I like my private time to myself and my friends.  I have tried to scare him off by talking about my love of guns and sent him pictures of me with no makeup (which he liked).

Honestly, don’t think I am ready to date. The reasons are a post for another day!

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